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tamoadmin 2024-05-30
1.求ncaa50大扣篮前奏的背景音乐 style="font-weight: bold;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding:

1.求ncaa50大扣篮前奏的背景音乐 style="font-weight: bold;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 4px 0 5px 20px;background: #f1dada;">2.扣篮王韦伯简介

3.谁能告诉我这个视频的音乐 给高分 ncaa 06 扣篮大赛的开头音乐











求ncaa50大扣篮前奏的背景音乐 所谓NCAA,并不是一个像NBA,CBA那般只涉及到篮球的机构;其全名是National Collegiate Athletic Association,中文译为:国家大学体育协会。NCAA起源于1905年12月28日,在西奥多·罗斯福总统的建议下,由纽约大学校长亨利·麦克克拉肯领导干部成立了NCAA的前身——IAAUS(联合院校体育协会),创办组员有六十二所学校。通过两年的发展,该机构在1910年更名NCAA并持续迄今。






Supreme Supreme



We on fire tonight


Yeah, we on fire tonight


Black Star in the house fo' sho' (Yeah)

Yo, now everybody go... (C'mon)

[Intro Chorus]

Ghet-to p-pole it's time to ride (Supreme, Supreme)

Bay-b get involved go side to side (Supreme, Supreme, Yeah, Yeah)

Side to side...

[Verse 1]

'Bout to slap box with the beat

The shit I spit is a snapshot of the street

You can see the crack spot in the backdrop

The heat in the stash box of the black drop

You wonder why there's more crime

Free food, or a check the only time niggaz on line

Getting information from the nigga-net

The trickle-down theory guess it ain't reached niggaz yet

I make a bigger bet

Kweli 'bout to be a bigger threat

'Cuz there's hardly any real niggaz left

What the fuck these niggaz talking 'bout

Living a movie but the audience is walking out

I fight the temptation to rip the heart from your chest

'Til there's only five hard beats left

It's like a dead man walking

I turn on the radio and I hear dead men talking


Ghet-to p-pole it's time to ride (Supreme, Supreme)

Bay-b get involved go side to side (Supreme, Supreme)

[Verse 2]


I got my headphones up like I'm listening close

Face blank with expression it isn't a joke

Start fire, sit back and spit its smoke

To get it provoked, blow it back to get in your throat

Mad problems...Take all the niggaz you know

Add that number up with every nigga you don't

Final number, some total of the niggaz that won't

Break me down, shake me of my fame, my style

What time it is, crew you can hate me now

And ten minutes from then you gon' love me again

Buck town republic again

Writing on the wall trouble again

Intensify struggle and such

Killers, Sad? lovers deluxe

Sound garnered, for the wild hearted

Downtrodden, up-starters

Young violent, uprising

Cocaine, and gunpowder

Up north, or bus crowded

Daily vibes to thug mountain

Cold caves or peaks of high

Think you present but unclear, and know how to hide

If you wonder why you got so much on your mind

'Cuz your living in a troubling time, this is a puzzling time

Fall back without recovering time, and time's up

Brooklyn, put your dimes up

[Chorus 2X]

[Verse 3]

I put feeling inside of my rap

Hold it down for my side of the map

No matter what north, south east or west side of the mat

Bend a needle on the mind and it's back

Got a problem with that?

The holler back and the stars is black

We the New Era you just a Starter cap

Find out what happens when the artist in tact

Be sharp as a tack, fall back you smarter than that

Or perhaps you just ain't as smart as you think

Figure 8'n on the thin ice part of the rink

You a vessel that's promised to sink

Terra Firma ain't as hard as you think

Stare down, and you starting to blink

Like 182 this for fellas and the ladies who

Don't need to be spoon fed like baby food

I take a bite out the track like a Sabre-tooth

And spit out the truth

'Til the cops come and spray the booth

[Chorus 2X]


Its all right with you its all right with me

Do the damn thing what you wanna be (Supreme, Supreme)

That's right, that's right that's right that's right

That's right, that's right that's right that's right (Supreme, Supreme)

[Repeated 3X More]



谁能告诉我这个视频的音乐 给高分 ncaa 06 扣篮大赛的开头音乐

球员档案  内特-罗宾逊 / Nate Robinson / 4








体重: 82.1016公斤 / 181 磅

生日: 1984-05-31

球队: 纽约尼克斯

选秀: 2005年第1轮第21位

学校: Washington

国籍: 美国

姚明官方为229cm(7尺6寸)07-08赛季工资: 127万美元

08-09赛季工资: 202万美元

合同情况: 4年 558万,2005/7/1签,2009夏到期

内特-罗宾逊2005年首轮21顺位被纽约尼克斯队选中。罗宾逊是一名小个扣将,超人的弹跳力帮助他在、空中完成各种匪夷所思的动作。进攻以突破为主,外线能够突施冷箭但稳定性不够。防守态度积极,不停的跑动和出色的弹跳弥补了身高上的不足,2007年常规赛盖掉姚明的那一球就说明了这一点。和许多年轻球员一样,罗宾逊的稳定性不足,打球有些情绪化。 [编辑本段]主要荣誉  2006年NBA扣篮大赛冠军

2009年NBA扣篮大赛冠军 ,从霍华德头上跳过后灌篮 [编辑本段]常规赛平均数据表  赛季 球队 出场 首发 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分

05-06 尼克斯 72 26 21.4 0.407 0.397 0.752 0.8 1.5 2.3 2.0 0.8 0.0 1.58 2.8 9.3

06-07 尼克斯 64 5 21.2 0.434 0.390 0.777 0.9 1.5 2.4 1.4 0.8 0.1 1.13 2.5 10.1

07-08 尼克斯 72 17 26.2 0.423 0.332 0.786 0.7 2.4 3.1 2.9 0.8 0.0 1.43 2.6 12.7

职业生涯 208 48 23.0 0.421 0.366 0.771 0.8 1.8 2.6 2.2 0.8 0.0 1.39 2.6 10.7 [编辑本段]球员历史  别拿豆包不当干粮”,与“豆包”形似神也似的罗宾逊用实力演绎了这个国产大白话。全明星周末扣篮大赛中,来自尼克斯队1.72米左右的小个子内特·罗宾逊最终夺冠,成为自1986年“土豆”韦伯(1.68米)之后,NBA历史上身材最矮的扣篮王。









这是2004年媒体对Nate Robinson 的介绍,附有球探报告。

来自华盛顿大学,5英尺7.75英寸的后卫球员Nate Robinson是全国最令人激动的选手之一。周四感恩节之夜,球迷见证了Robinson 的出色演出,他贡献了27分,率队击败尤他州大。

作为“ Wooden”奖候选人, Robinson这名优秀的二年级选手在过去两个球季都是球队的头号得分手。

Nate在2004年入选Pac 10赛区的第一阵容。并创下38场得分两位数的记录。

Robinson原先是取得华盛顿大学的橄榄球奖学金而被招收入校的,但他最终决定全力投入篮球生涯,并于03-04季度取得了篮球奖学金。2002年他曾参加过13场橄榄球比赛,在最后六场比赛中首发担任Husky 的侧边卫,包括出战“太阳碗”的比赛。


球探报告: NCAA中速度属一属二的球员,据他的教练说可以在联赛中任何人面前轻松得分(有待观察)……非常出色的运动天赋,还有杰出的垂直弹跳能力……5英尺7.75英寸的身高却可以突破扣篮……比赛中单人几乎无法防住他……有威胁的外线投篮手……可靠的传球手并逐步成长为一名更高效的进攻组织者……尤其擅长寻找空挡机会……抢断能力突出……拥有橄榄球运动背景,并将其带到篮球场,意志坚韧,求胜欲望强烈。

花絮: Robinson的老爸, Jacque Robinson,曾在1981-84为华盛顿橄榄球队效力,是唯一一名同时荣获玫瑰碗(1982)和橘子碗(1985)MVP的大学球员。


Nate Robinson Interview

2005年纽约尼克拥有三个首轮选秀权,他们选中了Nate Robinson,这个极具观赏性的小个后卫。5英尺7.75英寸,181磅的弹簧人,一个多出20磅肌肉的土豆韦伯。这是InsideHoops.com 的Jeff Lenchiner 在季前赛时期对 Nate the Great的访问:


Nate Robinson: 这个……天生的。老天对我的恩赐。

InsideHoops.com: 这么说你从小就比其他的孩子跳的高咯?

Nate Robinson:老实说,就是这么回事,与生俱来的。


Nate Robinson: 州冠军。我们对阵Mercer Island 中学。我们获得了主动,最终让他们打道回府。那年我们的战绩是28胜1负,全国第5。

InsideHoops.com:你就读于西亚图的 Rainier Beach 中学,对吧?

Nate Robinson:恩,和 Jamal (Crawford) 同校,还有Doug Christie。SC 的Lodrick Stewart, Kansas的 Rodrick Stewart和Chester Jiles, Louisville的 Terrence Williams都是我那时的好朋友。

InsideHoops.com: 你到那里时队里都有?

Nate Robinson: 双胞胎兄弟Lodrick Stewart 和 Rodrick Stewart。我的死党是 Tyrone Shepard,后来他去了Kansas。

InsideHoops.com: 那么大学呢,最难忘的是?

Nate Robinson: 对阵Oregon 州立,我的三分把比赛带入了加时。我大二那年,球队在PAC-10联盟的开局是0胜5负。

InsideHoops.com: 说说今年的选秀,有想到会进入首轮吗?

Nate Robinson:没想过。

InsideHoops.com: 这么说你并不确定会在哪一轮被选中咯?

Nate Robinson: 是的,这都说不准,我也不清楚。

InsideHoops.com: 尼克斯有事先向你表达过兴趣吗?

Nate Robinson: Isiah (Thomas)( 伊塞亚托马斯)在我首次试训的时候有提过。他鼓励我成为一名伟大的球员。他说我肯定会被选中的,不管哪个队,肯定有戏。

InsideHoops.com: 这个夏天怎么度过的?

Nate Robinson: 和家人,我的儿子,女友,妈妈,爸爸,在我离家工作前多陪陪他们。

InsideHoops.com: 你的垂直弹跳是多少,大概的?

Nate Robinson: 差不多1.16米吧。

InsideHoops.com: 你的偶像是?

Nate Robinson: 运球的那个家伙(指了指电视), Allen Iverson。

InsideHoops.com: 有找过机会和他谈谈吗?

Nate Robinson: 是的,聊过。很紧张,也很开心,我只剩下呼吸了当时。我老早就想见到他了。我希望能成为他那样,他很棒,是我的目标。因此我会更加努力,像他在比赛中做的那样,投入其中,尽我全力。


Nate Robinson: 没有过。神奇的是,我喜欢Shaq那样的大家伙。Shaq是我见过最搞笑的一个家伙了……我不认识他,但经常在电视里看他,一些访谈节目,他还在访问结束后对着镜头跳舞哈。我喜欢有个性的家伙。

InsideHoops.com: 挺有趣的,你和他是两个极端的球员,不过说到个性倒是。

Nate Robinson: 是啊,他的举止有点像我,憨憨笨笨的。

InsideHoops.com: 在尼克斯,他们有指点过你该怎么做吗?

Nate Robinson: Brown教练教导我要努力训练,投入比赛。尽自己所能,走着瞧。






感谢上帝,这对纽约的老少球迷都是个好消息,我们迎来了9号Nate Robinson 。


Robinson 本在21顺位被太阳队选中,但作为Kurt Thomas,Dijon Thompson / Quentin Richardson交易的一部分来到了纽约。 尽管Marbury仍将是纽约的先发控卫,但Robinson仍有希望获得相当可观的出场时间。

对于做Marbury的替补,Robinson 认为“没问题,我知道必须等待。但我想我有能力作出贡献,我老早就开始准备,我想我已经准备好了,该是我努力表演的时候了。”

Robinson 入选上季度的全美第三阵容,并在华盛顿的三年内取得1,283分。本来他将像他父亲Jacque一样效力Huskies橄榄球队,但在两年前决定从此全身心投入职业篮球。

“我爱橄榄球,当篮球将是我一生的职业。” Robinson 说。

Robinson和Washington 大学教练 Lorenzo Romar 关系密切,当Robinson正在为是否参加选秀举棋不定时,Romar告诉他是时候离开了。

“Romar教练知道我准备好了,但那样我将不得不和学校说再见,还有华盛顿这么多的球 [编辑本段]评价  2005年,罗宾逊参加了NBA选秀,幸运的是,他被尼克斯挑中,而尼克斯的总经理也是NBA历史上著名的矮个:伊塞亚·托马斯(1.85米)。托马斯评价罗宾逊时说:“不足1.8米能够打NBA,必须有不可思议的速度和不可思议的智商。”

Supreme Supreme

[Intro] {Talib Kweli}


We on fire tonight


Yeah, we on fire tonight


Black Star in the house fo' sho' (Yeah)

Yo, now everybody go... (C'mon)

[Intro Chorus] {Talib Kweli + Mos Def}

Ghet-to p-pole it's time to ride (Supreme, Supreme)

Bay-b get involved go side to side (Supreme, Supreme, Yeah, Yeah)

Side to side...

[Verse 1] {Talib Kweli}

'Bout to slap box with the beat

The shit I spit is a snapshot of the street

You can see the crack spot in the backdrop

The heat in the stash box of the black drop

You wonder why there's more crime

Free food, or a check the only time niggaz on line

Getting information from the nigga-net

The trickle-down theory guess it ain't reached niggaz yet

I make a bigger bet

Kweli 'bout to be a bigger threat

'Cuz there's hardly any real niggaz left

What the fuck these niggaz talking 'bout

Living a movie but the audience is walking out

I fight the temptation to rip the heart from your chest

'Til there's only five hard beats left

It's like a dead man walking

I turn on the radio and I hear dead men talking


Ghet-to p-pole it's time to ride (Supreme, Supreme)

Bay-b get involved go side to side (Supreme, Supreme)

[Verse 2] {Mos Def}


I got my headphones up like I'm listening close

Face blank with expression it isn't a joke

Start fire, sit back and spit its smoke

To get it provoked, blow it back to get in your throat

Mad problems...Take all the niggaz you know

Add that number up with every nigga you don't

Final number, some total of the niggaz that won't

Break me down, shake me of my fame, my style

What time it is, crew you can hate me now

And ten minutes from then you gon' love me again

Buck town republic again

Writing on the wall trouble again

Intensify struggle and such

Killers, Sad? lovers deluxe

Sound garnered, for the wild hearted

Downtrodden, up-starters

Young violent, uprising

Cocaine, and gunpowder

Up north, or bus crowded

Daily vibes to thug mountain

Cold caves or peaks of high

Think you present but unclear, and know how to hide

If you wonder why you got so much on your mind

'Cuz your living in a troubling time, this is a puzzling time

Fall back without recovering time, and time's up

Brooklyn, put your dimes up

[Chorus 2X]

[Verse 3] {Mos Def + Talib Kweli}

{Mos Def}

I put feeling inside of my rap

Hold it down for my side of the map

No matter what north, south east or west side of the mat

Bend a needle on the mind and it's back

{Talib Kweli}

Got a problem with that?

The holler back and the stars is black

We the New Era you just a Starter cap

Find out what happens when the artist in tact

Be sharp as a tack, fall back you smarter than that

{Mos Def}

Or perhaps you just ain't as smart as you think

Figure 8'n on the thin ice part of the rink

You a vessel that's promised to sink

Terra Firma ain't as hard as you think

Stare down, and you starting to blink

{Talib Kweli}

Like 182 this for fellas and the ladies who

Don't need to be spoon fed like baby food

I take a bite out the track like a Sabre-tooth

And spit out the truth

'Til the cops come and spray the booth

[Chorus 2X]

[Outro] {Talib Kweli + Mos Def}

Its all right with you its all right with me

Do the damn thing what you wanna be (Supreme, Supreme)

That's right, that's right that's right that's right

That's right, that's right that's right that's right (Supreme, Supreme)

[Repeated 3X More]
